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  高柔性拖链电缆耐弯曲典型应用typical application
新一代高柔性的控制和连接电缆。a new generation offlexible control and connection cables.
嘉柔拖链电缆特别适用于拖链或便携式机器部件,常规机械应力下连续移动安装场合使用,弯曲半径小至7.5x电缆外径。jiarou drag chaincable is especially suitable for drag chain or portable machine parts. it canbe used for continuous mobile installation under normal mechanical stress. thebending radius is as small as 7.5x cable outer diameter.
可在潮湿环境下使用。在适用的使用温度范围内,可在露天使用,防紫外线。it can be used inhumid environment. in the applicable temperature range, it can be used in theopen air to prevent ultraviolet.
嘉柔拖链电缆适合用于:测量和控制线路,电气设备工程的动力线路,装配及机器人技术,装配线、生产线、尤其用于木工机械、机床及传送线。jiarou drag chaincable is suitable for: measuring and control lines, power lines of electricalequipment engineering, assembly and robot technology, assembly lines,production lines, especially for woodworking machinery, machine tools andtransmission lines.
产品特性product characteristics
采用优质弹性体材料绝缘和护套,电缆外径大幅减小,节省电缆在拖链中的安装空间。high qualityelastomer insulation and sheath are adopted, the outer diameter of the cable isgreatly reduced, and the installation space of the cable in the drag chain issaved.
嘉柔拖链电缆具备更长使用寿命、更快移动速度和更强的耐曲饶性能和更长敷设行程。jiarou drag chaincable has longer service life, faster moving speed, stronger bending resistanceand longer laying distance.
嘉柔中度拖链电缆在拖链中的设计使用寿命为5百万次循环弯曲。the design servicelife of jiarou medium drag chain cable in drag chain is 5 million times ofcyclic bending.
耐热阻燃,防浅水耐油污,低温保持柔性,耐磨、抗紫外线。heat resistant andflame retardant, resistant to shallow water and oil, flexible at lowtemperature, wear-resistant and uv resistant.
高柔性拖链电缆耐弯曲电缆结构cable structure
导体:多股细绞成束无氧裸铜丝(镀锡丝请预先说明)conductor: strandedbare oxygen-free copper wire (tinned wire, please specify in advance)
绝缘:特制改性弹性体材料。insulation: specialmodified elastomer material.
颜色标识:参照下文嘉柔拖链电缆技术参数表-芯线标识。coloridentification: refer to the technical parameter table of jiarou drag chaincable core identification.
内护套:挤压弹性体材料内护层(可选)。inner sheath:extruded elastomer inner sheath (optional).
屏蔽:镀锡铜丝高密度编织网屏蔽,用于对抗电磁干扰要求较高的场合。shielding: tinnedcopper wire high-density woven screen shielding, used for occasions with highrequirements of electromagnetic interference.
护套:特制弹性体护套。黑色(ral 9005),灰色(ral 7001)jacket: specialelastomer sheath. black (ral 9005), gray (ral 7001)
公司可依照拖链系统的运行要求定制生产更耐折弯、更快移动速度以及更匹配现场工况的拖链电缆。according to the operationrequirements of the drag chain system, the company can customize and producedrag chain cables that are more resistant to bending, faster moving speed andmore suitable for site conditions.
高柔性拖链电缆技术参数technical parameter
导体结构:参照vde 0295第6类导体结构,嘉柔拖链电缆采用多股细绞成束超细无氧裸铜丝。referring to vde 0295 class 6 conductor structure, jiarou drag chaincable adopts multi strand fine stranded ultra-fine oxygen free bare copperwire.
移动安装弯曲半径:7.5x电缆外径。bending radius ofmobile installation: 7.5x outer diameter of cable
移动安装使用温度:-10℃至+70℃。operatingtemperature of mobile installation: -10℃ to +70℃
芯线接地标识:g=有黄/绿色接地标识,x=无黄/绿色接地标识。core groundingidentification: g=with yellow / green grounding identification, x=withoutyellow / green grounding identification
芯线标识:<0.5mm2彩色线芯区分,≥0.5mm2黑色线芯白色数字编码(vde 0293)。core identification:<0.5mm color coredistinction, ≥0.5mm black core white digital code (vde 0293)
测试电压:3000v。test voltage: 3000v
工作电压uo/u:300/500v。working voltageuo/u: 300/500v



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