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2048 scatmat shock mat

2020/6/22 8:51:31发布312次查看
  • 产地:china
  • 货号:2048
  • 适用对象:狗
  • 规格:2048

the shock mat is a touch sensitive training mat whichsays“no”when you can`t. it quickly conditions dogs, cats andsimilarsizedanimals to avoid prohibited areas with aharmless,low-powerelectronic pulse similar to static electricity.safeyeteffective!◆    makeanyarea off-limits.
◆    protectyourfurniture.
◆    indoortrainingfor dogs and cats.
◆    protectcarpaintwork.
◆    makeroomsor other areas off-limits.
◆    stopcatsjumping onto kitchen counter tops.
◆    outdoorstayaway birds or other animals on automobilesorumbrella
1.      removetheshock mat from its box. lay it flat in a warmenvironment toallow itto un-crease.
2.      insertanew alkaline type 9 volt battery.
3.      placethedevice at its working location.
4.      switchonand wait 60 seconds for calibration.
5.      testthemat using “tone only” (see “training modes”below).
6.      settrainingmode to:”stimulation+tone”.
7.      waitforyour pet to learn about the mat.
inserting the battery
on the front oftheelectronicscontroller, slide the battery door open. connectandinsert a new9volt alkaline battery. then slide the batterydoorback intoplace. battery life is up to 6weeks. werecommendswitching theshock mat off when not in use.
locating the device
to operate properly the mat mustbefullyunfolded and not folded back on itself. the surface onwhichit isplaced should be electrically non-conductive and dry. donotleaveobjects on top of the mat.
switching theshockmaton:
to switch on, momentarilypressandrelease the pushbutton switch. the green ledlightswillperiodically flash to indicate it is switchedon.
important:theshockmat needs to claibarte itself to the surface on which itisplaced.calibration occurs when you switch the controller fromoffto on.whenever you change the mat`s location you mustswitchthecontroller off. wait 20 seconds. switch the controller on.donottouch or move the mat for the next 60 secondswhilecalibrationtakes place.
switching thepetmatoff:
press﹠hold the pushbutton switchfor3seconds, then release. the red led will flash a fewtimestoconfirm you selected off.
testing the shock mat
switchontheshock mat. wait 60second for calibration. set theoperation to“tone only”. now placeyour hand on the mat. you willhear a beepand the red led willflash. this indicates that theshock mat isdetecting your hand andworking properly.
training modes
the shock mat offersthreetrainingmodes:
◆    tone+staticsimulation.
◆    staticstimulationonly.
◆    toneonly.
•12x60  inch-great for kitchen counters﹠sofas
•20x48  inch-great to block a doorway or larger areas.
•30x16  inch-great to sofa or little areas.
•46x03  inch-great for window sills.
•36x14  inch-outer circle diameter 36 inch,innercirclediameter 14 inch.
•36x03  inch-outer circle diameter 36 inch,innercirclediameter 03 inch, apply umbrella or round objectsstayawayseabirds or other animals



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