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2017年6月3日托福考试机经|托福综合口语机经-  超高命中率托福机经免费下载了,右下角在线老师处免费索取!
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托福综合口语话题:community service
托福综合口语阅读要点:announcement里面讲,学校要求志愿者要竞争社区服务state university require 10 hours volunteer working in community and its benefits.
托福综合口语听力要点:女同学觉得不好。原因:1.本来是自愿的,但是学校把它弄成强制性的,不好;2.说比如公园让clean the air,但是她没有车,有些社区说是近,但是还是要走很远,说有些同学没车不方便去很远的地方。
托福综合口语范文:the university requires every student to finish 10 hours’ volunteer work in the community. the speaker does not agree with the material. there are two reasons. firstly, volunteer work should be finished voluntarily, but the university has made it mandatory and that’s not what we want. moreover, in order to clean the area, students have to travel long to some parks. but this is a big trouble for students who do not have a car. although some communities are much closer, however, they are still too far. (87 words)
托福综合口语话题:school arrangement
托福综合口语阅读要点:学校为了帮助学生解决电脑问题,准备雇用一些paid student technician这些technician要住在宿舍,为了给大家提供24小时的服务。 作为回报,住宿的费用减低一半。
托福综合口语听力要点:女的觉得这是个好主意,一. 她有一次做作业做到很晚, 电脑freeze了, 修不好,她只能抱着一大堆书去图书馆用电脑。 但是第二天她一个朋友说这是个很简单的问题,一下子就解决了,如果有student technician能帮她解决这个问题,就太好了。二,降低一半的住宿费很不错,因为住宿费太贵了, 她也想去竞选这个职位。
托福综合口语范文:the girl in the conversation believes it is a wonderful idea that her school is planning to hire some paid student technicians to help solve students’ computer problems. as a reward, the student technicians’ boarding fee will be cut in half. to begin with, she thinks that it is really convenient if the student technicians live in the dormitory. when they meet with some emergencies, the student technicians can help them to solve the computer problems immediately. it can save them a lot of time. besides, lowering half price of the boarding fee is also attractive too. the girl says the boarding fee is so expensive that she also wants to apply for the job. (115 words)
托福综合口语话题:school facility
托福综合口语阅读要点:学校出公告要建一个housing office for off-campus
1. on-campus的dorm已经overcrowded。
2. 2.新生不熟悉本地环境,这个office正好帮助他们。
问总结女生观点托福综合口语范文:the university announcement says that a housing office will be established to help students find places to live off campus. in the conversation the girl thinks that this is a great idea. she says that currently the dorm building on campus is overcrowded so if students want to find somewhere nice to live, they have to look for it outside the campus. a housing office will definitely provide the needed help. also, the office will provide useful information in and around the local area. this is something new students in particular need the most. sothey are going to welcome this decision.(102 words)
托福综合口语话题:school policy
托福综合口语听力要点:the man doesn’t agree, because there are 8,500 freshmen applying for school parking. the decision won't resolve the traffic problem. university should build new parking lots. for example, there is an empty space behind football playground.
托福综合口语范文:the university is to cancel parking areas for first-year undergraduate student to reduce traffic problem. the speaker doesn't agree with the material. there are two reasons. firstly, there are only 85 freshmen applying for on-campus parking this year and the decision thus won’t resolve the traffic problem. what the university should do is to build new parking lots. moreover, there is an empty space behind the football playground. and the school should change it into a parking lot. (78 words)

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